ImLive is a top adult webcam and video chat site. It features a hot adult section with almost every adult category imaginable and a milder non adult section.

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What do I get with Free Membership?
By becoming a free member, you'll be able to connect with Hosts in every field! You can participate in free text chat, view select Host photos, see some of the Hosts in your favorites and get notified when they are online, and of course buy Im-Live Credit to VideoChat with the Hosts 24 hours a day!

Features available for FREE members
• Free Text Chat with Host
• View Host Profiles
• View Select Host Photos
• Email Hosts
• Get notified when a host is live
• Add hosts to favorites list
• See Top Hosts in Favorites List and Get Live Notification


Who are the Hosts
The VideoChat Hosts are experts in their fields who want to share their knowledge and talents with you. They are online and ready to interact with you. Ask them your questions, tell them your problems, or just ask them to perform for you!!!!

Is this really live?

You'd better believe it! When you enter a VideoChat room, you communicate directly with the Host. Tell them what your needs are and they will fulfill them! All in REAL TIME!

Do you protect my privacy?
When you enter a VideoChat room, you can do so without anyone hearing or seeing you - the host is the only one aware of your presence, and even then, only in the form of your online nickname. Your privacy will remain intact. If you have a webcam and you would like the host to see you - great!

How can I join a fan club?
A fan club is a Host's personal home on the net, where the Host and her loyal Guests come to learn more about her, see exclusive photos, view exclusive videos, talk to other Guests about the Host and get to know the Host better. It's also the only place to go to get VideoChat discounts! All members are eligible to join as many fan clubs as they want. When you're ready to join a Host's Fan Club, click on the Join My Fan Club link on the fan club home page, or click the Join My Fan Club link you'll see throughout associated with your favorite Hosts.

How do I become an FREE Member?
Become an FREE Member in less than 1 minute! You'll be asked a few details about yourself for registration purposes, but no information will be made public. Once you register for membership, you'll be ready to VideoChat.

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How do I start VideoChatting?
You don't need anything special to VideoChat on - no special hardware, no special software, NOTHING! Just become an FREE member and you're ready to go! If you have a webcam on your computer, you can have two-way VideoChat with a Host. You can see them, hear them, and talk to them over the Internet, with no hidden costs! Even if you don't have a webcam or a microphone, you can VideoChat and type text messages while you watch and listen to your Host. Just select the VideoChat room you wish to enter, select your Host, and start chatting!